I'm sure we're taller in another dimension

Rory: Monster Trucks is about monsters that live inside trucks, not anthropomorphic monster trucks.
Jon: [pause]

Rory: Fuck, marry, kill:

Jon: Who would fuck or marry Trolls? And who would marry Monster Trucks? The only answer is: Fuck Monster Trucks, marry Storks, and kill Trolls.

I asked some mates which Fantastic Fest badge icon I should choose.

I thought most would answer "metal," but most answered "mad magician" or "satan." I was leaning toward "cannibal."

Drew: Who would ever choose "pedophilia"?
Jon: Have you not been on the internet before?

For Halloween, I'm debating between being 21 Savage or Zombie Prince (Michael Jackson's "Thriller" make-up + Prince's Purple Rain garb).

In September, [Donald Glover is] throwing a three-day festival in Joshua Tree called Pharos. [source]

Wonder who he booked.

PHAROS is a series of live shows on September 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in Joshua Tree, CA. Each full-length, live Childish Gambino show will be comprised of new music.

Oh, it's just him for three days — performing only new music?

Please note your specific show times: early shows at 9PM and late shows at 12AM.

Child-Phish Gambino.

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